Things to think about...

I'm a thinker at heart and usually not much of a doer. It can take me a long time to get motivated enough to act on my wishes and dreams, while other times I act implusively and just do what my gut says.( Like said career move).

It looks like my pays are going to be roughly 1475 bi-weekly. NOT as much as I thought. I was bringing home 1130ish, so its 345 more biweekly. However my expenses increased too. ( rent and gas ).

So here is my rough budget:

Mortgage - 336 bi-weekly
car 280-biweekly
gas 150 biweekly
rent 150 biweekly

that alone totals 916 biweekly, leaving me with 560 biweekly roughly to pay
hydro 130
phone 100
satelitte 40
water 60
oil 222/10 months
loan 80/biweekly
car insurance 80
house insurance 55
that adds up to 777.

that leaves 343 for debt repayment and food.
Plus I get 105 CTC, and I work the second job every second week, making say 60 in wages roughly, for an extra 120/month. I don't include my tips as income, but I tend to use them for gas or groceries.

My rent and gas costs should be reduced soon, so that little bit will help. One thing I can do is drop my mortgage back down to what it was at the beginning of the summer. That will save me about 60/pay that I can put towards my debt ( which it growing by leaps and bounds). I can also cancel the satelitle ( or get the cost dropped some).

Any ideas anyone?


Rachelle said…
You may be able to get the phone amount dropped and the tv. My husband did that. Although I must say, when i've tried it never works. I think I must sound desperate or something. He's super calm and doesn't worry about whether or not he actually has to cancel. This is what he told me he did:

i just phoned them and told them i wanted to cancel my service - they'll forward you on to 'retentions' where a person will ask you why, and the best thing to say is that you're going to a major competitor because of a flyer you got in the mail or something (it's good to look up what the competitor is offering, just to have the ammunition). then they'll try and convince you to stay by offering a price cut/features/PVR/whatever.

i got our phone bill cut from $74 to $36 just by calling. it took not even 5 minutes. crazy.

this site helped me, to show me what other people were getting, for what price:
Canadian Saver said…
Have you ever seen this tool:

it usually gives me, to the penny, my exact take home pay (as I never get the same pay each pay period).

I always do a monthly budget, never bi-weekly... this way there are 2 months where I get 3 pays. You could use those extra paycheck months to pay down your debt...

Did you ever calculate the percentage your car costs you? I calculated it as 32%... that's quite a bit, isn't it? Your hydro is low though, much lower than mine ($180 usually).

Good luck!