Crappy day yesterday!

My drive to work was amazing! It was still drak when I left and there were some fog patches, but when a car was cresting a hill the sight was unbelievable. It looked like the sun rising amid the clouds.

Work sucked... Stuff happens some days, and it snow balls... All I'll say is that I'll stand my ground on what I believe is right. The worst thing that can happen is they'll send me back to my old job. I got nothing accomplished at work... I'm hoping today might be a bit better, but I'm not so sure!

DD is off school for a few days, and her plans for the day today were to sleep in and just be. I think my mom is taking the dog for part of the day.

I'll be home tomorrow afternoon and I work tomorrow night! 100+ is my goal. The week-end is looking like I'll be spending a vast chunk of time de-cluttering and cleaning the dreaded basement! But once it's done, its done! Sunday will be spent with family cooking a turkey in a wood stove and a long walk in the deep woods.


Rhona said…
Just to let you know, your new template is cute but it is hard to read the posts as the darker colors over rules the writing. Just so you know. :)