Checking out new cars

Today i took for a spin a 2004 Lincoln Avaitor... OMG I'm in love but I think that if it needed repairs it may break my bank. But I really, really like it... It would be harder on gas as it has a V8 engine, but oh... I'm in love. Heated seats, air conditioned seats and a movable gas petal...

Tomorrow I'm going to look at a 2006 Santa Fe with some warranty still left on it. ( I love my mechanic he found this one for me) :)

However I can't make any decision until I find out for sure that the job is mine... NO word yet and the job starts on August 4... Damn Human Resources... If politics come in to play, the job won't be mine as my work ethic should speak for itself, not who I know in power positions within the government. I did e-mail my contact and told him I would be home next week, as i would be on vacation ( based on what he told me to do).

I'll havea clean house next week, plus an over night trip planned.


Canadian Saver said…
Wow, that would be a luxurious car!! Beware the high maintenance costs though... a coworker has a Mercedes SUV and it cost $150 just for a basic oil change!

Hope you find something soon!
its me, sam said…
I'm not going to buy the Avaitor as it will be too expensive to repair, but I still want it.

I'm not planning to buy anything until I get my student loan paid off, which will be a few months.

I'm just hoping to hear something about the new job, then I'll make my decision.