Thursday June 18/09

I went to work for 3 hours and came home. I still feel like crap... But I slept the majority of the afternoon. I did manage to do 3 loads of laundry and have about 6 more to go. I wonder how 2 people can have so much laundry! But when I thought about it 3 loads a week are for bedding and towels, 1 my work uniforms, 1 whites, 1-2 lights, 2 of darks and a small one for dish towels.

I'm still leaving work early tomorrow as I have to pick up DD for her hair appointment and I need to find glasses and go to the lawyers office. I work tomorrow night and have the week-end off.

The best part of my up coming week-end... my sister is coming to town for a few days... Its supposed to be a rainy week-end, but I'll hope that she brings the sun with her.

I did manage another no spend day today ( I think I have 6 so far this month). I do have to buy some stuff at Shoppers on Saturday ( they're having 20 times the points on Saturday only) and I have my list completed. I should spend under 60 including the taxes for what I want ( butter x 4, pepsi x4, sunscreen, hotdogs and face wipes).

DD and her friends went to the beach today, and I'm glad I had drinks stocked up. They stocked up on fruit too. I may not even buy groceries this week as I still have lots of stuff to use up but will plan to buy some things next Thursday.
