Monday June 8/09

It was my first no spend day for June! Finally. I didn't do much of anything besides work. I did heat corn chowder for supper ( my mother made it on the week-end and gave us the left overs), plus Caesar salad and pizza bread. DD and I watched the news and I fell asleep on the couch before 7. I slept on the couch until 10:30 and went right to sleep in my own bed until 5 this morning.

I also got the weed wacker out and trimmed all the grass around the house and fence. I also chatted with my neighbour and she mentioned that when I'm ready to replace the fence she'll pay for the half that borders her yard. So thats a goal to plan for next year. I figure that it'll cost close to 1000 for 1 side , so I'll save 500 towards that side.

Today is designated as a no spend day. The only things I need to buy this week is a very large bag of dog food, and a few groceries later on in the week. My gas tank is almost full, so I won't need gas. Thursday is pay day and I'll pay all my bills then too. I also want to buy a dream lottery ticket ( cost 100) where the proceeds go towards a hospital foundation. I'll do that Wednseday night.

I'm working at the PT job tonight which I'm not too keen on but I'll get it done! Then the rest of the week is mine so to speak.
