Monday May 25/09
Today @ work I spent it catching up on everything that was not done from last week. I still have a few things left to do but I ran out of time yesterday. I also sent the evening out and finally ended up home @ 11:45 and in bed a few minutes later. I spent 16.50 on food, plus another 7.00 on tickets and a coffee.
DD's finale went off without a hitch and was almost a sell out. She has a 2 day reprieve before she hits the road again and will be finished with all school functions by next Tuesday. She'll be finished school by mid-June and the summer begins for her! She has some more babysitting lined up and Prom night she's booked to do make up for a few people. She currently has 500 saved and I'll post her final numbers when i have them.
DD's finale went off without a hitch and was almost a sell out. She has a 2 day reprieve before she hits the road again and will be finished with all school functions by next Tuesday. She'll be finished school by mid-June and the summer begins for her! She has some more babysitting lined up and Prom night she's booked to do make up for a few people. She currently has 500 saved and I'll post her final numbers when i have them.
I hope she can earn at least 300 more before she leaves.