Friday May 22/09

Yesterday I mowed the lawn, cooked supper, bought a sink and vanity for the bathroom but no tub. I also bought a hair dryer, one that uses 35% less energy that a regular one. I'll let you know how it works. I also hung out with a friend last night for a bit, and DD and i settled in to watch The DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL on the dish. However I ended up with a few phone calls over something that I couldn't ignore. I felt bad for DD, but she was very understanding.

I'm going to Shoppers today to get a few things and I need to buy some water and bake for tonight. I also need to make a side dish for supper ( we're going to a BBQ for supper).

I also found out that I am working next week @ my PT job, which is good, as my plan is to throw every extra cent i can make towards my student loan. I want it gone by mid-July at the latest right now! I'll be making the minimum payment on everything else but to have it gone finally... I think the day its paid off i'll have a drink or 2 to celebrate.
