Monday April 20, 2009

Today I got my pay from my PT job, 317.?? which was almost 100 more than I was expecting. I spent 44.70 on dog food and 12.70 on yougurt, chocolate milk, onion rings and chips. I also spent 17.50 @ the store.

The best part of the day? I had a quote for the removal of the vermiculite in my attic. Apparently its only around the attic hatch. $1,500 is the quote which is much better than the 7,000 I expected! ( I'll budget 2,500 just in case). So, I'm borrowing an extra 33,000 to do home renos. 21,000 will go towards the renos, which leaves me with 12,000 ( of which some will go towards the computer 2,000, and my mother).


its me, sam said…
Just thought I'd let you know that DD now has 230.00 saved for her trip. Plus she has 3 more nights of babysitting this week, so by next week she should have 320.00 saved. She'll be averaging 3 nights a week @ 30/night. Plus she hates to spend her own money, so i think she'll be a tightwad for the next few months!
Well unexpected money is the best type!

Well done re DD's savings!