April 18, 2009

I soent 8.75 yesterday. Plus I have no coffee left in the house and need dog food later on today too. I'm not very organized lately.

It was busy but I had a very small section last night. I made 37.00 ( which really sucks!), but I got my 8 hours. I also work 4.5 hours @ my FT job yesterday.

I get paid from my PT this week, so my bills are covered. I should have a cheque for around 220.00.

Today will be laundry and housework, plus a little bit of shopping.

DD will probably sleep later as she is now babysitting for the neighbour and stayed all night as the neighbour works 12 hours shifts. So I can actually say she has a job, and so far has saved 130 towards her spending money for her trip, plus she gets paid tomorrow for babysitting which should bring another 60 to 70 to her trip fund.( I agreed to let her stay all night as I'm right next door and our little neighbourhood is pretty safe. ( we have 1 cop, 1 fireman and 2 couple of people who work in corrections as neighbours, plus almost every house hold has a dog).

I should go and watch Cornation Street and do some housework. Have great Sunday.


Canadian Saver said…
I never got into Coronation Street but I'm sure I'd enjoy it.

That's cool about your DD making some of her own spending money, she'll probably be more careful with it...

I hope you can enjoy your day off, it sounded very busy yesterday!!