Saturday Feb 28/09 and March goals
I worked last night and had a slow section. I ended up leaving with 70.00 ( not too bad considering I only had 11 or 12 tables). I ENDED up spending 2.00 for a coffee @ work. Puppy woke up every 2 hours last night so I didn't get a great sleep.
Today DD wants to rearrange her room, and I'm going to tidy up the house. I'm not going spend any money today or tomorrow as my goals for March are as follows:
12 no spend days.
Make final payment to DD's trip
Order windows for house.
Call contractors and get one lined up for mid late April.
Call and set up insulation removal for the end of March, early April.
Call lawyer and get all that stuff done, including my will.
Call a plumber about redoing the pipes in the house.
Do my taxes.
Go out @ least once with friends.
Do my physio every day.
Call the mortgage broker and set up the appointment.
I think that's enough to do for the month.
Today DD wants to rearrange her room, and I'm going to tidy up the house. I'm not going spend any money today or tomorrow as my goals for March are as follows:
12 no spend days.
Make final payment to DD's trip
Order windows for house.
Call contractors and get one lined up for mid late April.
Call and set up insulation removal for the end of March, early April.
Call lawyer and get all that stuff done, including my will.
Call a plumber about redoing the pipes in the house.
Do my taxes.
Go out @ least once with friends.
Do my physio every day.
Call the mortgage broker and set up the appointment.
I think that's enough to do for the month.
Good luck with everything you have planned for March... it's a big list :-)