Thursday Feb 12/09 and early morning of Friday the 13th

Yesterday I spent 12.75 on tobacco and another bag of smart food popcorn...

I found out last night that DD's father is flying to the east coast today... I Haven't got a clue if he's coming here or is she's going to go to her grandparents.... All I'm hoping is he has her bass and his half of her trip money...

I'm starting physio for my back this morning. Last year I feel down a set of stairs while working and I put off work for 4 days but nothing for physio. I tried for about 2 months to get into my family DR, but was unsuccessful... I saw her twice after that and mentioned it but she really didn't respond and I put up with the twinges... SO on Tuesday I went to see her about it as I can feel it popping and her response was " the muscle is so seized up its going to take a while for it to get back to normal and the popping sound is the ligaments "... nice, so now I've got to come up with the funds for this too....

I checked next weeks pay stub on line and my bond is canceled. I may increase my saving account amount , no I think I'll put it right on my student loan... no I'm not sure, I have to keep my debt ratio down, Hummm, saving account it is until the mortgage renewal it is...


Money Minder said…
Ouch! Hope your back starts to feel better. And I hope your ex comes through with the bass and the trip money