Living my life...

I've been doing a lot of self-reflection about my life and where I'm at right now. Some days are a struggle as I try to figure out who's going to get what, but I've been making changes to fix that.

I did have to borrow money from my Christmas fund, and LOC to pay my visa today. I was thankful that I had these resources to do this, but I don't want to have to do this much longer.

I'm going to get everything together this week to remortgage and I'll borrow enough to pay off one debt. I've done the math and I'd have enough to pay off the student loan. The student loan money will get divided up among the other debts and if i increase my mortgage payments by 25% , plus put 20% down each year I'll be mortgage free in 8 years...

I'll need a new to me vehicle next year unless I win one, so I have to save for that too...
