December's outline

Yes I did it last night! I sat down and planned out my month to the best of my ability! I have a good idea of whats happening when, so I planned my spending around that!
Here goes:
December 1 -40.00 for DD's appointment
December 6-Train ticket 120.00 (part of DD's Christmas gift)
" "- groceries 65.00
" " -prescription 5.00
December 10-35.00 Christmas tree
" "-23.00 M& M meats
December 11-88.50 drivers permit for DD
December 12 - 113.00 cleaning of couch and chair
" "- 50.00 DD's hair appointment
December 14-groceries 75.00
December 19 - hair (me) 60.00
" " -lunch out 20.00 ( with co-workers)
December 20-market ( chicken and pork 50.00)
December 24 -visa 300.00
-phone 100.00
-hydro -130.00
-satellite -35.00
-groceries -50.00( for xmas eve party and brunch the next day)
December 27-groceries ( I'll buy a turkey and stuff to freeze) 50.00
December 31-?? This will depend on whether I decided to work or not, as DD will be gone away.

I will have to pick a day to finish up my shopping but I really don't have a lot left to do. Right now I have 11 spend days planned! My guess is that I'll end up with 16 no spend days for December! Yahoo! I'll keep updating this as I go along!
