Odds and ends and Oh, my geography is way off!

First off... The wind turbines I saw last week? After looking at the maps, it wasn't North cape, we decided that they were the ones closest to Summerside. Opps. Thanks to Island Witch for getting me off my duff and really looking at the map!

I've figured out a way to move DD for way cheaper! A cargo van ( which I have driven before). Total cost for rental? It'll be just a little over 200.00, plus gas. Phew. Not sure what I'll get in it, but I like that number much better.

I've got my pay straightened out, but no retro yet for what they owe me. Thanks goodness for small favors!

U2 update- we'll be traveling by bus at a cost of 50.00/person. The added bonus, I'll be able to sleep in my own bed that night. No driving involved for me, and I can bring snacks and drinks in the bus! I want to buy a t-shirt and I'll have to buy some type of food while inside and maybe a beer or two... I'll budget 160.00 for that night.

I also had a friend ask me for a painting, so I'll get busy painting tomorrow! It'll be the first time in over 5 years I've painted anything besides a wall, so I'm a little rusty! I've also booked my yearly exam and knocked other things off my list.

House wise, there is little moving here. The contract in done next week and I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet. I have someone who's interested in staying in the house Monday to Friday, so that will pay my rent while I'm away working. I may keep the house listed and have the person move in with the understanding that if the house sells, they'll be looking for another spot?

I froze 8 quarts of strawberries, make 6 jars of jam ( gave one away already) and have one box of berries to eat. I also pureed and froze half a small watermelon. I may use it to add to my water, or use it in a drink or two!

Oh, and I had 2 no spend days so far this week, along with today being a no spend day. I bought groceries this week to a tune of 55.00. Next week I'll need dog food and coffee for sure!


jpkittie said…
sounds like a great week! I think your idea to have them be there with the understanding of if it sells, they need to look elsewhere... good luck!
Canadian Saver said…
You've had a lot going on!! Sounds like a good deal for the U2 concert... that's coming up soon enough!

Strawberries were very good this year... I can't eat too much at a time though cuz they are quite acidic.

Glad you found a much better price for your DD!

has it been 6 months already that your house was on sale, or 3? Went by fast!