Just a short one
The jars/ envelopes are going well. I stayed pretty much on track, and I have some money left over. I did buy groceries yesterday to a tune of 90.41 including 2 cans of coffee, 2 big packs of chicken breasts, etc. I also used 5.00 from my entertainment budget to buy ice cream for my nephew and I. I also sent DD a parcel for a total of 21.00. Oh and I bought her ticket to come home ( long long story). The ticket went on my pd off CC, so I'll pay it off when the bill comes.
I have to budget more for our gardening jar because I'm over budget right now. Bought a Cherry tree to plant on Monday "Victoria Day".
Hope everything is ok with DD coming back home so soon. Hopefully she will find a good Summer job, there seems to be a lot of stress on young people now days. Maybe I'm just getting older.