Today's home reno results.

I discovered that kitchen tongs and scissors are my best friends, along with the butter knife when it comes to home renos! Today's goals were to connect and install the outside vent for the ventilation for the bathroom. It's done after a series of minor mishaps, like cutting the hole and discovering that I was very close to a beam, but I had enough room to move it over, and then I realized that I was going to have to cut the hole through a section when the soffit was joined. I persevered and after about 3 hours of standing on a ladder, it's done. The reason the kitchen tongs and scissors are my best friends are the tongs helped me draw the tubing down so I could connect the tubing and the vent pipe, the scissors are what cut the soffit after I drilled the hole. The butter knife is perfect for getting into tight spaces where I can use it to loosen the wall enough to get the pry bar underneath it.

I also ran a few errands, and spent 45.00 at the grocery store. I worked tonight, had lots of laughs and even met a lady that works in the same building as me! We shared a few laughs. Now, I'll be off to bed, as tomorrow will be getting the insulation installed on the exterior wall, vapor barrier over it, and vapor barrier the ceiling. I work tomorrow night, so I'll also clean the house and do some laundry.


The Witch said…
Very ingenious with the tongs,butter knife and scissors.
Holmes on Holmes may need to hire you.
Glad it is started to all come together for you.Some days it can seem never ending especially when you work a 8 hour shift and them come home and have to paint.
Hubby is doing this now but the entry and hallway are looking great.
I'm sure you will be happy when you start to paint and then it just all seems to come together.
its me, sam said…
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Canadian Saver said…
You are saving so much by doing all this yourself!! I'd love to see pics if you have them :-)
Jolie said…
You're just a home reno queen!! I giggle at the tongs comment as my family is infamous for improvising to 'get 'er done!'.

Sounds like you're working hard and at some non beginner work. Good luck with insulation today!