Tuesday March 3/09

I worked both jobs today. I made 27.00 in 2 and 1/2 hours at my PT job. It was dead again. :(

I haven't spent any money again today, that's 3 days in a row! Yahoo!

Other than that is quiet here and I'm going to take the dog for a quick walk and I'm off to bed...


Canadian Saver said…
You're off until next week, aren't you??

Congrats on the no spend days!!
Anonymous said…
3 days in a row!! That's awesome! *jealous* hehe
its me, sam said…
Yep. I've got a funeral this morning, spa day planned with DD tomorrow, going out on the town tomorrow night ( HA HA HA ) with friends, phone calls to make and taxes to do.

The part about being single that bites? Not having anyone else to make calls and organize stuff. I've got get all my ducks lined up in the next few days so I can get things rolling with the renos!